A few weeks ago during an advent sermon at 519 church our pastor, Owen Barrow, talked about the problem when we live our lives with the ever present thought, "If only...., then I would be happy". "If only I could buy that other house." "If only my kids would sleep through the night." "If only I made more money." This if statement leads to fleeting happiness when it comes true, or desperation if it never does.
Just a few days before I had read a blog post by Donald Miller on the Most Powerful Question, "What if?". And the most amazing thing about this post were the comments. The dreams that people had that were more about loving others and improving lives, than any kind of 'if only' dream for happiness.
Over the past two years, I have picked a word or phrase at the start of the year that I hope will focus me towards loving well. Two years ago, I picked Be Still in hopes to become more present to the moment, the only place where I will find God and the Spirit. Last year my word was Ubuntu, an African Philosophy celebrating how we are all connected. As I reflect over this last year, the words were both guiding principles to me.
For 2014, I am asking myself the question, "What if?"
These are not 'if only' questions as I know my Joy doesn't depend on them, but 'what if' we all tried to make the world a little better each day by loving those around us and ourselves?
Got a 'what if' question, or a word for 2014? I would love to hear them.
Just a few days before I had read a blog post by Donald Miller on the Most Powerful Question, "What if?". And the most amazing thing about this post were the comments. The dreams that people had that were more about loving others and improving lives, than any kind of 'if only' dream for happiness.
Over the past two years, I have picked a word or phrase at the start of the year that I hope will focus me towards loving well. Two years ago, I picked Be Still in hopes to become more present to the moment, the only place where I will find God and the Spirit. Last year my word was Ubuntu, an African Philosophy celebrating how we are all connected. As I reflect over this last year, the words were both guiding principles to me.
For 2014, I am asking myself the question, "What if?"
"What if I yelled at the kids less?"
"What if we take that next step as a family?"
"What if I ran a 5K?"
"What if I did some form of quiet time and/or yoga everyday?"
"What if I spent less to give more?"
"What if I am grateful especially in the mundane?"
"What if I wrote a little bit of something from my heart everyday, even if just a kind note to family or friends?"
"What if I sought beauty in others before judging?"
These are not 'if only' questions as I know my Joy doesn't depend on them, but 'what if' we all tried to make the world a little better each day by loving those around us and ourselves?
Got a 'what if' question, or a word for 2014? I would love to hear them.