"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

April 29, 2013

Playing House

Do you ever feel like you are watching your life? Sometimes it almost feels as if I am playing house.

My kids don't play 'house' as much as I used to, but they love to play princess, a game that they have named 'butterfly camp" and occasionally "great wolf lodge".

SB is generally the play ring leader. Maybe she doesn't choose 'house' because her version of that would look like this fairy tale she wrote yesterday:

"Once Upon a time in a far and not fair city there lived a mean Queen. She was very very mean. {I think we can all see where this is going}
She told her 2 daughters Gabre and Sarah Bess and her son Davis to clean the house all day long. The queen's name was Hannah and the King was mean to. He was always telling Sarah Bess, Gabre and Davis to mop the house, clean the dish's, and clean out the car. The children were always tired of cleaning. They had no time to play with their dolls or their Legos or friends. They did not like this. The poor children were always tried tired tired of cleaning. Until one day, they finished all their chores and they all started to play and lived happily ever after. The end!"

But I digress. Back to this idea of 'playing house'...why do we as the tribe called Mothers feel the need to judge how our sisters are performing this role? Why have we all decided that our way to play is ALWAYS right?  I have been both on the receiving end and the giving end of this parental judgement. So today I am writing both to myself and to my sisters in motherhood:

Dear Fellow Mothers,

Today I write you a peace treaty. Today I am going to jump off of this train called motherhood judgement. If you want to jump with me, I will hold your hand.

Today I will stop wearing my parenting choices like a badge. Because it does not matter if I had a c-section, natural birth, or was drugged out of my mind. It does not matter if my baby sleeps with me every night or if I let them cry it out at 3 months old. It does not matter if my toddler eats all homemade organic food or has a diet consisting of pasta. It does not matter if I work full-time or if I am a stay at home mom. It does not matter if my child plays 3 sports or still hasn't tried any. It does not matter if my child makes straight A's or tries his best to make C's. Ultimately, It just does not matter.

Today I will recognize that we judge each other out of fear and not meanness. We all feel a bit like we are 'playing house' and we have no idea what we are doing. So we consider all the options, and we talk with our spouses and our girlfriends and our mothers, and we try to make the right decision for our child. And after we do this, we fear greatly that we might be doing it wrong. So in order to feel better, we declare our way the only way and therefore your way must be wrong.

Today I will not blow your candle out to make mine grow brighter. I will honor your choices. Because I know that you are doing the best you can. I know you will mess up every day, just as I will. But just like me, you know what does matter. It does matter that we show our children our love, that we give them room to make mistakes and grace when they do, and that we teach them to be kind to others.

Today I will listen when you share your story. I will not tell you how to 'fix' it, because let's be honest, I don't know. I will cry with you when your children are struggling and I will laugh with you when they succeed. I will pray with you when you don't know how to help them and I will rejoice with you when you see redemption in their lives.

Because dear mother, you are enough. I am enough. And together we can be great.

From Out of the Spin Cycle: A Devotion for Mothers
By Jen Hatmaker

It's time for us moms to declare a truce
Regardless if we buy Capri Sun or 100 percent juice.
My way is not your way, and your way isn't mine
But both of our kids will turn out just fine.

April 9, 2013

A Case of the To Do's

I'm not sure when it started, but for at least a couple of decades now, I have been writing to do lists. I govern my time each day by what is on those lists. I have used color coded lists, graphs, pages divided into sections...work, home, church. In recent years I have added a 'to do' app on my phone. I even leave lists for Jimmy. I LOVE to cross things off of my list. Sometimes I forget to write something on my list. But when I do it, I remember it should have been on my list, so I put it on there- just to cross it off. I often think of my list even when it is not with me. This list occupies my thoughts probably more than any other one thing during my day. I often wake in the night thinking about the damn list.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the lists themselves. Having goals to work towards each day is good. In our hectic lives, they help us manage the day to day necessities.

But I am here to confess my list problem. For one, I am hording lists. That's right. I have almost every work 'to do' list since 2002 stashed in this folder.

Now I have to go onto your "She is crazy" list.
But the hoarding is not the biggest problem. Neither is the anxiety I create by thinking about my list. My biggest problem is my feeling of self-worth based on these lists alone. At the end of the day, if my list is too long and there were too many things left not crossed off, I judge myself.

So today I declare a war with my list. Not to get rid of it. But to get rid of it's control over me. If Gabre's name on her social security card doesn't get changed until next week, next month or really next year- all will be fine. If I forget again tomorrow to send in the money for teacher appreciation week, the PTA will take it the next day. If the minutes from last weeks meeting don't get emailed out today, no one else will even notice.

I have had this love of lists for a long time. I know that it will be a daily battle. But, I also plan to follow a new list. A list written by Macrina Widerkehr in Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Through the Hours of the Day. This list won't change from day to day. I will never cross anything off, because they will never be 'done'. But I believe this list will make me a more peaceful person. A more loving person- both towards others and myself. So take that "To Do's".

My New To Do List

Awaken in me...

A tolerance for those who don't agree with me.

A refusal to judge others.

A willingness to forgive.

A greater effort to live with a non-violent heart.

Loving thoughts toward those who don't exactly dote on me.

A calm and hopeful spirit in the midst of my anxieties.

A discipline in my daily personal prayer.

Attention and faithfulness in my daily work.

A holy anger for injustice in our world.