"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

August 29, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday we said goodbye to Ivanna as she left for the drive to DC. Today she will board an airplane and head back to Ukraine.

"I wonder if we will ever see her again?", Jimmy asked through his tears. I had no answer.

Yesterday was hard. The emotions brought out the worst in all of us. I was thankful for Tuesday night. Pizza as requested by Ivanna and a game of bowling. We gave her a photo book and all shed a few tears as we remembered her time here.

I have learned a lot about myself the past six weeks. Not all of it has been good. There were days I felt very selfish with my time. There were days that the anxiety over the future was too much. There was the reminder of how I desire to control my life. And the reminder that I have no control and this desire is the cause of much suffering.

But I have learned that I can love a stranger. I have learned that I am blessed to be able to love and mother my three littles. Each day there is a choice. To Control or To Listen? I don't always make the right choice. But the blessing is always great when I do.

As Jimmy and I talked over wine on the porch, we hoped that she felt the love we had for her. And I think his simple words say it best, "I am glad we did it."

August 9, 2013

The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful: 5 Things about Ivanna

Pause with me for a second and imagine this. Picture your family as it is now. Then place a stranger in your house to live with your family. Then imagine that stranger is a vulnerable teenager with a difficult past. Now imagine- you don't speak the same language.

Now write about all you are processing. I keep writing posts in my head but then they change so much by the next day.

Most of my posts are a combination of stories about Ivanna and the desire to share what I am learning about myself. Today I feel a strong urge to share about this girl who has been part of our family now for three weeks and will be with us for another three. I continue to be so very unsure of her future. But I continue to also be reminded that it is not for me to determine. And that while I can't seem to help myself, it is also not for me to worry about. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

All I can do is share with others and let God do the rest.

Ivanna is brave
She has participated in many firsts in her short three weeks here: ridden a go-cart, a jet ski, multiple water slides and a tube. And she has spent a total of 10 hours and counting in a dentist chair.

Ivanna's favorite English word is "Why?"
Ivanna is not a big fan of being asked to do something. I think this is a bit teenager behavior and a bit asking her to do things that vary from her norm. These include: going to bed, changing clothes, taking a shower and going to VBS. We often here "why?" in an exasperated tone of voice followed by lengthy Ukrainian that we are probably glad we can't understand. 

Ivanna is funny. 
Ivanna has a great sense of humor. She loves to tease and joke. She smiles and laughs often. And what a beautiful smile she has! Some of the humor that requires no language (you know the gross body sound type of humor), I don't find that funny- but she is a regular riot to the kids.

Ivanna likes to wear the same clothes everyday and is not a big fan of the shower. 
Enough said.

Ivanna's eyes are windows to the soul. 
Ivanna has the most beautiful eyes. They are often covered by the bangs that are too long in her face, but when you brush them back and really look into her eyes- there is such beauty. She has experienced much pain in her 14 years.  But her eyes still contain that spark of joy, excitement and wonder that all children should have. 

Ivanna is a beautiful child of God. I'm not sure she knows it. I'm not sure she has had the consistent selfless love in her life to prove it. Please pray with me for her future. In a little over a year, she will age out of the orphanage. Please pray for a family that can love her unconditionally and care for her needs...be it here in the US or Ukraine. And if you feel led, share this with others that might join us in our prayer.

Want more information: email me at hannaheskridge@gmail.com