"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

February 8, 2018

40 Letters of Love: To Our Village

Dear Village,

It has been said that it takes you to raise a child. I say it takes you to raise an anyone.

When I fall, you lay down on the ground with me until I am ready to take your hand and stand.

When I celebrate, I can hear you hollering from the stands with excited applause.

When I am unsure, you offer your truth and remind me that I have mine.

Sometimes you look like a quick text to check in.

Sometimes you look like a ride to take my kids to school after a weather delay.

Sometimes you look like a coffee date to share laughter and tears.

Sometimes you look like 5 hours of your time to braid my daughter’s hair.

Sometimes you look like an installed microwave on Christmas Eve Eve.

Other times you pull me out of my darkest places and hold me for as long as it takes.

You remind me of my worth and you show me that I am never alone.

So village, this love letter is for you. I am so grateful.


I know there may be many reading this that haven’t found you. They feel as if they don’t have a village. Desiring one but not sure where to find one.

So Dear Reader- If this is you, please hear me say- there is a village awaiting you.

Step out of fitting in and step into belonging.

Step out of fear and into vulnerability.

Step out of the comfort of what you’ve always done and into something new.

Our village has formed over the years through prayer, gratitude and listening.

Over ten years ago, Jimmy and I began to pray for a community of friends to surround our family that would be friends to us in way that we decided we wanted to be friends to others. Around 5 years ago, I began to pray for women in my life who could shepherd me on this journey. As I began to cultivate the intentional practice of gratitude in my life, I more deeply recognized and felt the love I had for my village which created more space to allow them in. As I began to cultivate more listening in my life, I began to hear the whispers of the spirit- seek out this person that you hardly know, but trust me; they will be a big part of your life in years to come.

Pray. Cultivate Gratitude. Listen. Your village is waiting for you. 

Love, Me

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