"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

January 3, 2018

40 Letters of Love: Dear Person With a Story

Dear Person With a Story (Dear Everyone),

Don't let anyone tell you that your story doesn't have value.

Don't let anyone tell you that you haven't suffered enough to share something of worth.

Don't let anyone tell you that your pain and your fear don't matter as much as someone else's version of history.

Somehow we forget the pronoun before your story is Your. It's not mine to critique, or judge or argue with. It's not mine to manipulate or change.

When your story says you're afraid, I hope I hear your fear.

When your story comes from suffering you don't talk about, I hope I give it space for healing.

When your story has a different point of view than mine, I hope I know that doesn't make it wrong.

What a place this would be if we would all gather around the table together and listen.


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