"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

January 18, 2018

Look Into My Eyes

Look into my eyes
Do you see fear?
I see it there too in you.

Look into my eyes
Do you see hope?
I see it there too in you.

Look into my eyes
Do you see suffering?
I see it there too in you.

Look into my eyes
Do you see love?
I see it there too in you.

I live here
You live there
But we are not all that different.

May we live to see each other.
May we live to hear each other.
May we live to love each other.

On January 11th, while most of us in the US slept, the Ethiopian Parliament voted to ban all foreign adoptions. There are many reasons for this, but this is not a post about the merits and concerns related to international adoption.

While this was happening in Ethiopia, I had a dream of children with beautiful brown skin but no voice trapped in a room. I saw them there, I felt a tug at my heart, but I continued with my life- my work- my vacations- until Gabre ran into that room becoming trapped too. As mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, you can imagine my fear. My panic. My heartbreak. And then my guilt- why didn’t I do something?

I write today to say if you feel a tug at your heart, you can do something. We can help.

Jimmy and I have had the Joy of supporting Hawassa Hope since its inception 5 years ago. Led by fellow adoptive parents with a heart for the children and families of Ethiopia, this organization has already been working in a region closed to international adoption. They support the care of infants and children in a local orphanage (which becomes a greater need throughout Ethiopia as adoption agencies will pull their support), work towards local fostering and adoption, sponsor children vulnerable in the community to keep them with their families, empower women to work and support their families, build wells for clean water and so much more.

For $30 a month, you could become a part of participating in these things. You could say that as an American you do care about people from other countries and not just your own. You could live to see, to hear and to love each other.

Feel free to message me for more information. You can also check out www.hawassahope.org or email Charisa at info@hawassahope.org

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