"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

February 28, 2012

15 Months Old and 6 Months Home!

In a little less than six months time in our house, you have brought so much joy to our family. You have transitioned in a way we couldn't have imagined and you bring a smile to our face daily.

The first picture we saw of you

Our first day together

...To our sweet 15 month old.
You are growing and changing so much. You walk/run around the house, keeping up with your two five year old siblings. I think since you took your first steps, you have crawled as little as possible. You are saying a few words: Daddy, Bailey, Thank You, Wow, Ow, and Yessssss. Your newest word is 'shoes'. Not that you will wear your own, but want to wear others shoes and try to walk in the ones that are super big for you. You have such short/fat feet that the woman at the shoe store said we should wait and try shoes again maybe around June. You are sleeping through the night! You still LOVE your bottle, and we still give it to you at bedtime. It is so funny how with the third child, things just don't seem like such a big deal. There are bigger things to worry about and less time to worry about them. You are a terrible eater. You are super picky and eat like a bird.  You are becoming very 'fiesty'. This is our nice word we use to describe the way you demand what you want when you want it (including your love of screaming at the dinner table to get down from your chair). I think you learned this from Sarah Bess. You know Sarah Bess...the one that shared with the social worker five minutes after her arrival for your six months post placement visit that Daddy threw Davis out of the golf cart at Thanskgiving. Give it a couple more years and the two of you will be quite a match. You still think Davis is the most hilarious person you know. And perhaps best of all, you give the most incredible snuggles...

We love you sweet Gabre Meti!

Here you are with your best friend, Bailey.

Just getting ready to mow the grass with a cold one.

Mom's attempt to do 'poofs' in hair that isn't quite long enough

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