"We can do no great things. Only small things with great love. " Mother Theresa

January 5, 2013

The Language of Women

There are so many things I could write about our last day in Hanoi. About how it feels to present to a group of people so intent on focusing on what you are teaching. About how energizing and rewarding it is to be here. About how ending a workshop here is cause for a big ceremony with gifts, handshakes, certificates, and lots and lots and lots of pictures.

But when I reflect on my experience, what I really want to write about is the language of women. There were 16 mothers that attended the past two days. 16 mothers that despite lack of access to good technology, audiology services or therapy are determined to do all they can to help their children. Mothers that brought audiograms of their children for us to look at. Mothers who showed us videotape of their children playing in the bath tub. Mothers that made photo books about the need for services for children with hearing loss. Mothers that have formed parent support groups to help those just starting out. 3 of these mothers spoke fairly fluent English. And while the rest of them needed to use the interpreter to ask their specific questions, no language interpreter was needed for them to communicate their love of us and their appreciation for us being here. No interpeter was needed to see the desires they have for their children with hearing loss.

And I realized...there is a language of women. Women that when we put all the other stuff aside, can truly love one another, even without words. What a blessing to know these beautiful women.

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